Friday, April 25, 2008

much too soon, it's gone

I would like to blame someone
but I know I can't
I wish I could
but I shant
leap from the lions
to this place called earth
not being the first
but for you it is a first
no matter what anyone says
so you proceed as if it were
until the time arrives
that shows you
that it is not true
some accept this truth
others never will
which will you be
a simple lion leaper
or a believer
or do you have the time any longer
to contemplate such things
is the wolf at the door
the impending war
the final score
close but no cigar
I would blame myself
if I didn’t think it was so selfish
I would blame you
if I wanted you to have the credit
some people go their whole life
trying to blame someone
looking for the guilty party
look into your own heart
and see it's not a matter
of blame or guilt
it is a simple matter of understanding
take time to think
take precious time
you’ve been allotted
from the leap
it is a matter of acceptance
a matter of happiness, alone
much too soon, it's gone

All Rights Protected 2008 Harper

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