Friday, May 23, 2008

Night Notes

Expressions, on the face of time, are prolonged from the brain to the spine.The nerves accompany, life swings by a vine. Doubt crawls up, the other side. A potent author awaits the date, swinging up to deaths gate. Hopes to miss, but meets fate. The brain is asking"won't you wait?"

They went up the back way, all debts were paid.The blood and the cocaine, ran where you laid. The picture wasn't pretty, as the press relayed. In the distance, someone waited, in a room where she prayed.

Now the law is a looking, for the culprit in this case. No one even saw, or could identify a face. And the followed were true by no means, and the case was from a prosecutions dream. In the distance, someone waited slightly behind the scenes.

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