Monday, July 12, 2010

See -Through Television

Greetings from Far, Far Away Oct. 22, 2001
To my Dearest Annie,

Well how are you doing these days? Seems like a lot of things are going on out there in the world. I hope everything is okay with you all. Well did you finish your schooling yet? They sure hope everything went all right with the last days. You ever get all those addresses I sent your mother out of the book that you see advertised on TV, and there are some real good programs to assist you in furthering your education, and also in helping you to get a business started. You should look into some of them does that TV, work okay that I sent you. They’ve got these new TVs down here now that are like that fan I sent home. they are see-through I haven’t seen one as of them yet and I’m not sure of what brand they are either, or how much are they even cost, and I’m sure I won’t be enlightened to all these facts shortly though being were at a high security level now. I get letters from one of my friends who have been home for about 2 ½ years; he’s got a new baby he sent some photos. He’s buying a new truck so is quite busy. I haven’t heard from Jimmy and Eurith for some time now have you? I hope they’re doing okay. I suppose Daisy and Cory are real busy in the middle of the lobster season? Do you see them very much? I haven’t heard from Daisy in sometime either. I wonder if she still goes all out on the holidays. She always loved Halloween, thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s .I kind of do myself. Well hope you are getting along with all your friends. a lot of those people you talk about I remember well .I remember as a kid, little kids. Well behave yourself baby, try to stay out of trouble. you don’t need no unnecessary problems. So I’ll see you later I love you and miss you very much
Love Always, Dale your Dad

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